Friday, March 12, 2010

Kenya Or Bust - T minus 20 days - by Tracy Guthrie, CE Adviser in Africa

There are just 20 days left until I leave for Kenya. I can't believe it! I have been praying for this for more than two years. The purpose of my trip is to volunteer in an orphanage. I have no idea where the village actually is, nor what it looks like. But I will find out in 20 days!

How I got to this point is really a beautiful story. Even though I consider myself to have a pretty strong faith, I had serious doubts that it would ever happen. Doubt is a powerful enemy of faith and truth be told, doubt was kicking my ass.

Thus the story begins. In October of 2008 I met Emlyn, Director of Cultural Embrace, at a party. We talked briefly about her company and experience with international service trips. I checked out her website, but didn't do much more than that. I simply didn't have the financial means. Doubt was slowly but surely smothering my faith. The only thing I could do was pray. So I armed myself with prayer.

Fast forward to July 2009. I started a new job with a better salary that allowed me to save for the trip. I was planning to go in December of 2009. Well, the timing just wasn't right and it didn't happen. But I didn't give up hope. I kept saving and even gave up highlighting my hair! And of course I kept praying. I even commissioned my friends and family to pray with me. My faith started to make a come back.

On February 3, 2010 I was laid off due to budget cuts. I was devastated. I didn't think I would ever get to Kenya. My faith started to slip away again. So I changed my pray a bit. I challenged God that if this trip was His will for me, then he had to get me there. I somewhat jokingly asked Him to send me a check in the mail. I figured that would be the only way it would actually happen. To my surprise, God not only answered my prayer, but exceeded my expectations.

On February 24, 2010 my dad called with some "good news". My dad nonchalantly told me he got a random check in the mail from my dead grandmother. Well, not literally from my dead grandmother, but from a CD she put away years ago. The amount of the check was the exact amount of a plane ticket to Kenya. I shed many tears of joy that day. That is more than "good news", it was my miracle. It was a faith kicking the S**T out of doubt.

From that day forward things have continued to fall into place. God continues to answer my prayers and blow my expectations out of the water. Thanks to my friends, family and God, not only am I going, but I will be able to take items like shoes, shirts, and sanitary napkins to the kids at the orphanage.

Moral of the day: Faith is the best weapon we have. Never give up your faith.

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