Monday, February 7, 2011

SuperBowl XLV recap: Where is the Love ~ by Founder Emlyn Lee

I have watched most SuperBowls, usually for the party and half-time entertainment pleasures, rather than for the love of the game. But last night, I was on a flight back to Austin and had nothing to distract me while watching the championship game on DirectTV, so I actually listened and paid attention to the commentaries. Since Cultural Embrace's February theme is love, I thought I would feature what I loved about SuperBowl XLV:
  • Besides 4th grade American history class, when was the last time you listened to the Declaration of Independence in its entirety? FOX & NFL's pre-game rendition of the Declaration of Independence gave me goosebumps.
  • Oops, Christina Aguilera may have flubbed up our national anthem, but tears still streamed down my face listening to her belt out the Star Spangled Banner, and my throat was totally lump-filled when the camera shot over to soldiers watching in Afghanistan, and you could hear the stadium's background cheer (I'm kinda tearing up right now, just thinking about it).
  • Vikings Madieu Williams, who happens to be a fellow Terrapin alumnus, won Walter Peyton Man of the Year Award, which recognizes a player's off-the-field community service as well as his playing excellence. Williams recently gave $2M to create the Madieu Williams Center for Global Health at the University of Maryland, in which the center will address public health issues in Prince George’s County and Sierra Leone (his birth nation). He has already built a primary school in Sierra Leone and is now building a secondary school there as well. His foundation sponsored a mission to Sierra Leone that brought American teachers, surgeons and dentists to help educate the teachers at his school, give free dental cleanings to all of the students and provide free surgeries. And to heart this man even more, he wasn't even available to accept the award...because he was in the Persian Gulf on a goodwill tour visiting U.S. service members!
  • The half-time show raising the Cowboy's stadium roof in Arlington, TX. Slash ripped his guitar, and Usher tore up the dancefloor as guest appearances, between Black Eyed Peas' acts. One of my favorite B.E.P. songs, ironically fits this theme, "Where is the Love" and they revised the lyrics to address more domestic issues that our government leaders need to hear, while singing to the backdrop of LOVE spelled out in lights.
  • I recently read a magazine article on Vince Lombardi, and love his motivational and winning attitude spirit. "People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problem of modern society." I know it was repeated about a gazillion times during the trophy and victory ceremony, but I agree, it really is nice to have the Lombardi trophy return back at Green Bay. Besides, I love cheese! :)
  • To be fair and not jump on the bandwagon of supporting the winning team, I have to admit, I was more blown away by Mike Tomlin's optimistic attitude. I think he and his family should go to Disneyland! I google searched his coaching and leadership styles on-line today, and now I can see why he is the youngest coach to win a Super Bowl, and already has two rings at age 38. Here is an answer to a pre-game interview about what he is saying to his team, "I am just reiterating the points we talked about all year, the things that are important to us. We have to exercise common sense; we have to compete when given an opportunity, and be considerate of others. If we do those things, we feel like we can put together a winning performance"
Okay, so my recap may not make be sports related, but hopefully answers an important question...where is the love? SuperBowl XLV proved that it can be found on a football field, or on-stage, in Arlington, TX or in Afghanistan! As long as people work together and be considerate of others...we can find and spread the love all over this world!

1 comment:

Michael Cress said...

Well said ... very well said.