Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato Four...And There's More? ~ by Founder Emlyn Lee

In 2009, Club Fitness reported over 45.5 million Americans had gym club memberships, Unfortunately, according to the reports about 80% of these gym memberships are rarely or never used. I’m not a fitness trainer, nor am I getting paid by a gym or home exercise machine company to talk the fitness topic up; but I am passionate about getting people to live a healthy and balanced life.

Traveling, serving others, and being fit are a few things that top my list of ways to obtain this type of lifestyle. It’s disappointing to learn that 
the average American watches 170 minutes of television a day, more than 9x the amount spent on exercise related activities (according to a University of California study in 2003). Firstly, the content and quality of what is on television is pretty appalling; and secondly, there’s a whole world out there—get off your bum and embrace it!

Of course I recommend that you to travel abroad (have you heard of …okay, I do get paid if I promote that company—ha!), and will share more international + fitness insight in my next blog; but get off the couch and move around at home! Now that the days are longer with Daylight Savings, you have more sunlight to exercise after work. Walk around the block. Take the kids. Go jogging with your dog. Ask your boss if you can exercise during your lunch hour; or better yet, challenge your work or school mates to get fit together. It’s more fun to be in it together and hold each other accountable to reach your goals. Buy a treadmill or stationery bike so you can exercise while watching television. Most gyms have cable television (and some now have wi-fi) available in their clubs if you really can’t shut the world off…but c’mon, really?! If you’re on a tight budget, lift canned vegetables throughout your favorite show and do push-ups and sit-ups during commercials. Put YellowPages on your quads and do leg lifts (now you won’t feel guilty throwing them straight to the recycle bin anymore).

I encourage you to set small goals but be consistent. Start with 20 minutes a day for at least 3-4 times a week. Your clothes will fit better, and you will have more energy throughout the day. Keep track of your daily exercise and diet in a journal, or join Cultural Embrace’s fitness team through SparkPeople’s free on-line or mobile application that will record your calorie intake and exercise regime. Plus SparkPeople and Cultural Embrace’s very own intern, Haley, will share regular fitness and nutrition tips; and you can read, be motivated and inspired by others that want to improve their lives. 
I’m confident that you will feel better mentally and physically which will lead to a happier, healthier, and more balanced way to live.

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