Friday, April 22, 2011

April's A-Ha! Travel Moments ~ Abigail Goldstein

My A-ha! moment was definitely in the middle of last semester. I was feeling homesick....for China? I then expressed my need to travel back here to my parents. I figured it would be a great internship opportunity, as well as a great way to learn Chinese. I also think its a good way to gradually enter into the "real world" and experience things on my own. What a great decision it was! I absolutely enjoy it here, I have made many new friends and acquaintances, which is always refreshing especially if it is something you accomplish entirely on your own. That aside, I landed in the perfect office. Soon I will begin training to learn how to do basic travel sales, and it sounds like I will soon be putting my advertising skills to good use. This is one a-ha moment I will never regret or forget!
Abby Goldstein
Volunteer in China 2010
Current Intern in China 2011

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