Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April's A-ha! Travel Moments ~ Luan Ly Lierman

I knew I needed to see the world and I love travelling. I fell in love with China especailly after I had studied abroad for a semester with Seattle Pacific University (SPU). Now, my husband and I are happily working and living in China, almost 3 years!

I've always been very interested in people. Cultures, food, religion, customs have always fasinated me. China for one, has such a deep culture and long history. Since my heritage is part Chinese, I find it even more important to know my roots.

Life back home in Tacoma, WA. is surrounded with people from different walks of life. I grew up with Tacoma, a good size city south of Seattle. I love my home for many reasons. Diversity in language, culture and life. All my friends have such unique stories. That's where education starts; is by getting to know one another. That's when we grow as individuals and a community. Being open, patient, and non-judgemental is crucial to getting to know others.

I did take a leap of fatih, a big leap when I decided to come to China. At the time, by myself with limited language ability. But what kept me going was my determination to learn, to grow in myself, and to expand my future. My risks, no return! Travelling abroad is huge risk, especially when you have no idea (for me) how to teach, or what to expect. My A-HA moment was the time I told myself, "I'm here. I got myself this far. No turning back!" I pushed myself and it has it rewards. Another A-HA moment was, "I can't believe I'm living in China." Now, I see China as my second home. A place I can always come back to with open doors and great opportunities.

Luan Ly Lierman
Cultural Embrace Teach in China 2008-present

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