Friday, April 30, 2010

Prep - - by Chris Schave, CE Adviser in China

Today I woke up at 5:00 AM to drive down to the Chinese Consulate in Houston... It was a 6 hour drive round trip, but I got my visa paperwork submitted. Most of the people there were Chinese and a lot of them were yelling back and forth across the room at each other in Mandarin. The whole time I was thinking to myself, "I'm in for a big culture shock!" I couldn't be more excited though. Unfortunately, I have to drive back Wednesday to pick up my passport and visa. Not looking forward to that drive again...

In related news, I received my pre departure kit from Cultural Embrace yesterday, and it had all sorts of good information in it. It seems like no matter how many times I go over my packing list, I always forget something. Luckily, I could compare what I had written down with what they suggested I should bring. As usual, theirs had stuff I forgot to put on my list.

Until next time...

-- Chris Schave
CE Adviser Abroad in China

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