Friday, June 25, 2010

Battered and Bruised, but Not Beaten - by Chris Schave, CE Adviser in China

To start where I left off yesterday, rock climbing was pretty amazing. Our group consisted of Lee, Vicky, James, Hollie, and myself. The guys at X Climbers in Yangshou were very helpful. They set up two ropes for us with a few different routes for each rope. My favorite part of climbing is when you are completely out of strength and some how dig deep down and make it up.

Lee had a bit of troubles his first climb since he has a big build and has never climbed. The first time he fell, Happy, the guide and person belaying him launched up about six or seven feet. After that we always anchored him down. After a few more climbs Lee seemed to get the hang of it and did much better.

I am sore today and I think Hollie and I may go get massages later.

So after climbing we got cleaned up and went to Lucy’s for dinner. As always, it was delicious. Next we went to Monkey Jane’s and watched some of the World cup and played some beer pong. Hollie and I won four of five games. I had to adapt my taunts from America to North America seeing how Hollie is Canadian.

Today has been pretty lazy and I am starting to get ready to go to Hunan Sunday. Staying at Monkey Jane's again tonight...

Chris- Adviser Abroad China

Cultural Embrace @


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