Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finally, Climbing!!! - by Chris Schave, CE Adviser in China

Woke up this morning and rain rain rain!!! Chris and I woke up and got breakfast. I was supposed to go to a traditional Chinese doctor today and have him tell me that I drink too much and eat too much spicy food, but that didn’t happen, on account of the rain. Westerners drink too much according to the Chinese.  After the plans got cancelled, Chris and I went back to the room and he read and I edited photos. That lasted about 5 minutes and we both fell back asleep. We woke up for lunch at 11:30 and were told that climbing was not cancelled… Yay!!!

So we went downtown to the climbing shop and met up with our instructors. We all took a van out to the half cave that we were to climb. Seeing as it rained all morning, most people climbing went to the same spot. When we got there, Alex, our instructor, climbed up a pretty intense spot and clipped in the rope. I went first and got up about 2/3 of the way up. Next went Chris, and he made it almost to where I did. After was Huey and he made it about where I did. Later we learned that was a pretty difficult climb and most experienced climbers didn’t make it past where we were. When Chris was climbing there was an older American guy that showed up. Apparently, he “knows” everything there is to know about climbing, or at least he thought he did. So he started trash talking about Chris. Chris asked what he should do next and the guy said, “go home!” He was quite a dick.

We only climbed two times because it was incredibly tiring. I will go back next week for a few days. It was actually really fun, but since I don’t climb a lot, my strength is pretty much not there.

Tonight Isabella took us out to dinner and it was very good. After dinner we went to a couple Aussie bars. The second had trivia night and my team got second. A little disappointing, but it could have been worse. After trivia, we went to Lucy’s to watch the rest of the Portugal v Ivory Coast game. It was a good game, but ended in a draw.


Today we woke up and headed to Guilin, where I am now. We are about to leave for the rice terraces as soon as the rain lets up. I won't have internet until Friday, but I am taking my computer, so I can write at night and edit pictures. Friday I should upload a slew of stuff. Until then...

Chris- Adviser Abroad China

Cultural Embrace @ www.culturalembrace.com


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