Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Flashback - 4/17/10 - Once a mother, always a mother - by Tracy Guthrie, CE Adviser in Africa

I just found out I have some sort of worm. I have no idea what kind of worm, or what medicine they gave me because I didn't go to the docotor, just my poop did. I know it was stupid of me not to get that information, but I can't change that now. I am for sure not telling mom. She will get pissed that I didn't find out all the information for myself. Here is how the conversation will go:

"Mom, we figured out why all the kids are so sick, they have ameobas."

"Oh no! Are they okay? Did you get tested too, Tracy?"

"Yeah the kids have been given medicine which is supposed to take care of it. Yeah, I got tested."


"Well, I had a different kind of worm."

"What kind of different worm, Tracy?"

"I don't know mother." (I always say 'mother' when I am annoyed or when I kow she is right and I don't want to admit it).

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?!?!? Tracy, let me understand this correctly, you sent your poop with someone else and just took whatever pill they gave you? How do you know it wasn't some sort of illegal drug???"

"I don't know for sure, but if it was an illegal drug I got cheated because I didn't get high."

"Tracy that is not funny. You need to be more responsible. You are 33 years old. Didn't I teach you better than that?"

"Nope you didn't. If I die from some unknown worm it is all your fault. Seriously mom, we both know you taught me many valuable lessons. I just chose not to follow the rules this time. And it all worked out just fine."



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