Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kumi na tisa and counting... - by Tracy Guthrie, CE Adviser in Africa

Kumi na tisa is "19" in Swahili.

I decided to re-organize my closet today. It is a pretty good size walk-in closet; big enough to fit all my clothes AND a washer and dryer. I don't know about you, but when I organize my closet I do it by color and item. On one side of my closet you will find in order my jeans, work pants, skirts, shorts, dresses, belts and jackets . The other side has my sweaters, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, and tank tops. On the floor I have four rows of shoes, and three bags stuffed with my purses.

As I was taking things out to only put them back in, I had a thought. Do the kids in Kenya even know what a walk-in closet is? How many articles of clothing do they have? I don't know the answer yet, but I imagine they don't have two pairs of riding boots, seven pairs of tennis shoes, six leather jackets or twenty pairs of jeans. I will be surprised if they have more than one article of clothing at all.

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