Monday, August 16, 2010

Final Day Teaching - By Chris Schave

So this is it. I just got back from graduation and saw the kids for the last time, maybe ever. It is pretty sad to say goodbye to them, even the few that annoyed me a couple of times. The last day was pretty chaotic, but fun. Nobody wanted to do anything and I don’t blame them. I won’t miss making lesson plans, or even teaching, but I will miss the kids. Most of all, I will miss Tom. He was my star pupil and reminds me of a Chinese version of me when I was his age.

Tonight, we will have a teacher and faculty dinner, which are always fun. I have some more pictures to edit from the graduation and I will do that tomorrow on the plane to Beijing. I will have one or two more post for this trip, and on the way home I will write a reflection of the entire trip and post that. For those that have followed my blog for the past three months, thanks. I’ve had a blast having all these experiences and writing about them.

Chris- Adviser Abroad China

Cultural Embrace @

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