Friday, May 28, 2010

Flashback - 4/10/2010 - Tiger Woods of Kenya - by Tracy Guthrie, CE Adviser in Africa

One of the orphanage staff members, we'll call her Mary, shared a story of heartache and relationship gone bad.

Mary was in relationship (how they say dating) with one man for about a year. This man is heavily involved in his church and respected by the community. The courtship began while they were in University. They saw each other daily, just spending time together and hanging out. She soon fell in love and gave him her heart, but not her body. After about 8 months in she found out he had been cheating on her, and therefore cut off all ties of communication. As any cheating man does, he tried to win her back. He sat outside her dorm room at University for hours on end and sent numerous text messages. He gained her trust back, so she give him one more chance. Just like in the movies, she found out the woman he had been cheating on her with was pregnant. Mary broke it off yet again, this time for good. She didn't want to get in between a man and a woman, because that is not what God would want. Mary says only through prayer and faith was she able to heal and forgive him. She believes the reason she was able to find peace so quickly is because she prayed for him, not herself.

I find it interesting that no matter where you go, even in a Kenyan Village, people suffer heartache and pain because of relationships. It taught me that the desire to be in love and relationship is world wide, and so is temptation and betrayal.

Have you been hurt? I certainly have. Have you tried to pray for the person who hurt you?


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