Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunset over Fengyang Village - by Chris Schave, CE Adviser in China

Today was quite an adventure. We left the hostel around nine in the morning and headed over to the bus station. On the way I picked up some snacks for the bus ride. One of the treats I got was a bean skin thing with some sort of sauce. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad. Next was the beef stick. It wasn’t even as good as a Slim Jim, but then again, pack enough crap into a tube and it’s bound to be good.

The first time I have felt really cautious of my surroundings was at the bus station. Two sketchy looking guys followed us in. I kept watching then as we made our way into the station and made sure they knew that I was watching them. At one point I turned to the other Chris, from England, and pointed directly at the two guys and said, “watch those two.” They were getting awfully close to one of the girl’s bags as they walked. After that they backed off.

The bus ride was good. I hadn’t had the chance to chat with Chris much and we had a good talk on the bus. He seems like a really cool guy. The two girls are nice, but I don’t think I have much in common with them.

Once we got to the county of the village we got off the bus and waited at the station for a taxi. I was in using the restroom, which was just a wall with water running down it, when a man walked in and stood to my right to also use the restroom. This isn’t weird in itself, but no one was to my left and I had only about a foot to my right. After examining my left to see why he went to my right, I noticed that he was blatantly staring at my, well, manhood. I turned away a bit and quickly finished up and got out of there. I know many Chinese people are excited to see me, but that was a little too much of me.

After sprinting out of the bathroom we went out front and hopped in the cab. About 15 minutes later we arrived in the small village. Pretty much what you would imagine a small village to be is what this is. Apparently, the house we are staying in belonged to the wealthiest family. It is the highest of the old houses in town. It is very impressive, especially the views of the sunset.

Chris and I were kicking the soccer ball around in front of the house when a little boy came running up to us. Later I found out that he probably saw us from the roof of his house and came to see the white people. I don’t think that he had ever seen a soccer ball before, and we taught him how to kick it. He wanted to pick it up, so that was the first thing we showed him. I think he’ll be back.

We had a light snack and something called oil tea around 3 then a meeting where we went over the week’s plans. After the meeting Chris and I walked around the village and checked things out. We got a bit lost, but eventually found our way back. Dinner was awesome, and spicy.

This weekend Chris and I are looking to follow a road that will take us up to the top of a large hill. It’s probably around 3,000 feet about the local village.

Got some great pictures today and I’m excited to take more around here. Until next time…

Chris-Adviser Abroad China

Cultural Embrace

[caption id="attachment_37" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Views from my home in Fangyen Village"][/caption]

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I literally stopped reading and started laughing out loud when I finished paragraph four! Yes! I can just see your face and how you turned your body away from this nice Chinese man who was only admiring your downstairs magic. Cut him some slack - he probably has never seen a white man's, as you put it, manhood!