Thursday, May 13, 2010

T minus 6 Days! - by Chris Schave, CE Adviser in China

All of my final exams are finished, and I did really well. Though I did forget to look on the back page of one exam and missed 25 questions. The professor let me finish and I got an A.

The rest of this week is filled with packing my apartment and putting everything into storage. For me, this is the hardest part about traveling for a few months. I have prepaid 4 months for a storage unit, I have to move all my stuff, and try to see all my friends before I take off. Not to mention all the other errands and phone calls to utility companies, phones companies, banks, etc.... BUT, it's all worth it.

Now that I don't have finals to think about, I'm getting more and more excited. I fly to Washington State on Saturday to see my family before I leave. Last December my dog, Madison and I went up there, and I left her with my parents. I hate to say it, but I am most excited to see her. I talk to my parents all the time on the phone.

Today, I'm going to go pick up a bunch of stuff that I need for the trip. Mainly toiletries and some shirts. This is going to be Awesome! the trip, not shopping...

Here's a couple pictures of Madison to leave you with. Until next time...

-Chris, Adviser Abroad in China[gallery]

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